Niezawodne systemy reklamowe
w konkurencyjnych cenach
  • Polski

Curved Arch Walls Screen

It can be built by connecting straight vertical parts ( beams, poles ) with curved ( r = 1,91 m ) 50×16 mm beams of max. lenght of 3 m. Such four beams of 3 m lenght can be also connected and make a perfect circle. They can be cut to shorter beams as well connected with plain ( straight ) walls or 3D walls in order to build versatile bigger forms. The graphic can be printed on 3 mm thick PVC foam sheet to be insert into beam slot or on PVC blockout to be attached with adhesive velcro tape.

Hypotetical prices :


Structure’s size WxH [cm] Graphic’s type
WxH [cm]
Structure’s net price Net price with single side graphic
Net price with double side graphic
300×200 Blockout 700 zł 1118 zł 1566 zł
300×200 3 mm PVC foam sheet 640 zł 1216 zł 1636 zł

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