Niezawodne systemy reklamowe
w konkurencyjnych cenach
  • Polski

Customized Tension Fabric System

Tension Fabric System with a stylish, frameless appearance is the perfect blend of class and versatility. It consists of individual frames made of 40 x 40 mm aluminum profiles up to 3000mm long and fabric graphics.

Personalized: system can be custom built in virtually any size to any required length and to height up to 300cm. For an easier transport, the profiles can be also cut into shorter pieces, that can be easy connected with a provided allen wrench . The system requires only two people and a key to assemble it together. An image is printed on the special elastic and wrinkle-resistant fabric finished with sewn silicone edge that fits neatly into the slot around the frame.

Easy to transport: Tension Fabric Systems are simple, making it easy to dismantle, transport and store. It comes unassembled, which eliminates bulky packages and expensive shipping costs and with shorter profiles and folded fabric it fits into the carry-on luggage.

Versatile: these personalized display backdrops are perfect for tradeshows, product promotions, parties, corporate events and dozens of other special events.

Sample price of the Tension Fabric System W 300 cm x H200 cm: single sided fabric frame: 1500 PLN / double sided fabric frame: 2100 PLN

We offer LED spotlights matching the Frame system.

If you have questions, please send us an e-mail to, we will send you our best offer based on your requirements. Place your order right away for custom printed frame stystem!

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