Niezawodne systemy reklamowe
w konkurencyjnych cenach
  • Polski

Flagpole backpack

A “mobile promotion stand”. Light – weight, comfortable backpack with regulated flagpole made of aluminum. Available for rectangle flag 40 x max. 120 cm, feather – shaped flag 40 x 110 cm or tear drop shaped one 55 x 100 cm. An eye – catching item for people distributing leaflets, promotion brochures, consumer samples (or selling tickets) at fairs, in shopping malls, hypermarkets, on streets or outdoor events (like concerts, galas, picknicks).
The backpack has pockets for promotional materials or other small items.
Price: 165 PLN / pc net
Price of complete set w/graphic: 215 PLN / pc net

Agencjom reklamowym, drukarniom i pośrednikom handlowym udzielamy rabatów, prosimy o kontakt mailowy.

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