Niezawodne systemy reklamowe
w konkurencyjnych cenach
  • Polski

Lockable Outdoor Sign Board

Premium class lockable notice board for outdoor use – with three silicone seals, protection class IP56. A durable and long lasting product, with coated steel back wall for use with marker pens and magnets. It has B1 certificate of non-flammability, is safe in use due to the lack of sharp edges. Door with upper hinges made of 4 mm thick, safe, tempered glass . The inner depth of the notice board is 25 mm, its total thickness 47 mm. Available are many sizes which are always a multiplied A4 size, please check the table below, Greater sizes are equiped wit 2 locks, each one with 2 keys. Screws for installing on a wall are included. This product has a special carton protecting it during transportation. We offer also magnets of 20 mm diameter: an 8 pcs set is 11,85 PLN net only.


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item size outer dimensions
W x H [cm]
carton dimensions [cm] net weight [kg] gross weight [kg] net price [PLN]
4 x A4 58,3 x 76 10,2 x 65,2 x 82,7 10,33 11,37 820
6 x A4 80,5 x 76 10,2 x 82,7 x 87,2 14,21 15,24 840
8 x A4 102,5 x 76 10,2 x 82,7 x 109,2 17,34 18,67 1065
9 x A4 80,5 x 10,67 10,2 x 87,2 x 113,7 18,55 19,95 1130
12 x A4 102,5 x 106,7 10,2 x 112,2 x 116,7 21,56 23,28 1478
15 x A4 124,5 x 106,7 10,2 x 116,7 x 134,2 26,59 28,57 1713
18 x A4 146,5 x 106,7 10,2 x 116,7 x 156,2 31,32 33,62 1912
21 x A4 168,5 x 106,7 10,2 x 116,7 x 178,2 34,2 36,76 2020
24 x A4 192,5 x 106,7 10,2 x 116,7 x 199,2 37,24 42,39 2217
27 x A4 212,5 x 106,7 10,2 x 116,7 x 222,2 45,05 51,12 2430

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