Niezawodne systemy reklamowe
w konkurencyjnych cenach
  • Polski

Outdoor Poster Stand

Outdoor Poster Stand with plastic tank

Double-side aluminium snap frame with steel springs based on a plastic water tank of 78 x 48 cm size and about 20 litres volume.
Transparent PVC sheets for graphic protection included.

Format Poster size
Total height
Net price Price w/graphic
B2 50 x 70 104 13 295,00 zł 327,00 zł
A1 60 x 85 122 14 369,00 zł 415,00 zł
B1 70 x 100 133 18 539,00 zł 602,00 zł


70 x 100 cm Outdoor Poster Stand

Double – side 70 x 100 cm graphic size.
Aluminium snap frame with steel springs based on a steel frame with 90 cm long feet assuring stability. Weight 19 kg.
Transparent PVC sheets for graphic protection included.
Total height 128 cm.

Price: 390 PLN / 453 PLN with print / pc net

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