Niezawodne systemy reklamowe
w konkurencyjnych cenach
  • Polski

Stainless steel barrier pole

Stainless steel poles with textile barrier.
Three types of surface finishing : chromed , brushed or painted black. Round base of 32 cm diameter.
Retractable polyester belt of cm width ,lenght ( counting from one pole’s center to another pole’s center ) 200 cm or 470 cm , available colors: red, black, navy blue, blue, green, yellow as well as warning ones with 7,50 PLN surcharge: red-white and yellow-black. Cassettes with belt are replaceable ( one color to another ).
Pole’s weight is 7 kg , diameter , height and price given below .

Finishing Belt’s lenght Pole / base diameter Total height Net price in PLN
chromed steel 200 cm 63 / 320 mm 90 cm 99,00
brushed steel 200 cm 63 / 320 mm 90 cm 120,00
black coated steel 200 cm 63 / 320 mm 90 cm 105,00
chromed steel 470 cm 76 / 350 mm 90 cm 149,00
brushed steel 470 cm 76 / 350 mm 90 cm 170,00
black coated steel 470 cm 76 / 350 mm 90 cm 160,00

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